Easy Digital Downloads Amazon S3 is a pretty good and useful plugin among the good WordPress plugins. Thank you for viewing, accessing and supporting our products. All Easy Digital Downloads items are downloaded from the original source. You can download and use with complete peace of mind.
Easy Digital Downloads Amazon S3
Amazon S3 integration with EDD. Allows ye in conformity with add yet download at once out of thy S3 bucket. Configure concerning Settings > Extensions tab.
This add-on because Easy Digital Downloads choice enable thou in imitation of shop thine downloadable files concerning Amazon S3, a easy then impenetrable file for consideration tankage system. With Amazon S3, you documents are greater impenetrable and functionate now not use any server bandwidth, which makes such massive because all digital stores, each huge and small. When the use of the Amazon S3 add-on, you intention upload archives among nearly exactly the identical access as before, thru the WordPress media library, but nowadays the documents are uploaded immediately according to thine Amazon S3 account. Everything is instituted from within WordPress of the Download mass page, so thou on no account hold in imitation of leave the comfort of you WordPress install. You also have the alternative in accordance with pick pre-existing documents of your Amazon S3 bucket.