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Trang chủ » Wordpress Brands » CodeCanyon » Media Grid – Overlay Manager Add-on
Media Grid – Overlay Manager Add-on
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Media Grid – Overlay Manager Add-on

– Khuyến mại: 89.000đ

  • #buy8wp #mediagridoverlaymanageraddon #wp #wordpress #chowordpress247 #pluginwp
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  • – Phiên bản: 2.1.0
  • – Cập nhật lần cuối:  03.11.2023
  • – Sản phẩm đều tuân thủ giấy phép:  GPL
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Đăng ký tài khoản tặng ngay 89.000đ/ 1 lần mua plugin/theme


Media Grid – Overlay Manager Add-on is a pretty good and useful plugin among the good WordPress plugins. Thank you for viewing, accessing and supporting our products. All CodeCanyon, Galleries, WordPress Plugins items are downloaded from the original source. You can download and use with complete peace of mind.

Media Grid – Overlay Manager Add-on

Boost Media Grid with you very own overlays!

Overlay Manager does simply as its honour suggests: lets ye create or manage unlimited overlays! Many factors to mix, endless colors, hundreds concerning extraordinary viable combinations.

Full quantity layers, cut up ones, icons, shapes, nook layers, outlined boxes, bank layers, single-side borders, angular slices, buttons, textual blocks, photograph effects.

Everything has been created to accept thy creativity free to propagate as thou kind of most: beside hover behaviors, to CSS3 animations, from 3D consequences in imitation of easings and animations delay!

Yes, along textual blocks I vile additionally to that amount is possible to use objects descriptions immediately within grids items! Without annoying about lenght, html yet shortcodes: the Overlay Manager auto-shortener script continually cares in accordance with regulate the whole thing according including the item sizes.

Do you use WooCommerce? You execute without difficulty exhibit production expenditures too!

But how is complicated yet complex in accordance with setup all this things?
Not at all, each originative quadrant has been well-acquainted to lie done with the most ease.

Once you deploy the add-on, fifteen preset overlays will stand equipped in conformity with be old or customized.

Check thy changes or what ye are constructing except dropping time with a live preview.
Finally pick who wrap to uses immediately of the Media grid shortcode wizard: you execute use a exclusive wrap because of each grid!

Add-on shortcodes yet placeholders

Add-on additionally brings three recent shortcodes, definitely instituted according to stay back among item excerpts then into the customized content layer:

Item attributes: with then besides characteristic bed and icon!Contents toggle: based regarding object ‘s type. So you execute setup focused textual contents because grid items!Filter sections data: (requires Advanced Filteres add-on) according to stamp particular item’s information related in imitation of filter sections!

Plus, you may also utilizes a number of textual placeholders to show objects author, persimmon or additionally the WooCommerce price!

How are ye creative?

Think as regards mixture elements, adding colors, loiter outcomes and perhaps a snack about custom css. The Overlay Manager framework is prepared in accordance with fulfill thy needs!

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