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Trang chủ » Wordpress Plugins » Import & Export » Soflyy WP All Export Pro Premium
Soflyy WP All Export Pro Premium
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Soflyy WP All Export Pro Premium

– Khuyến mại: 89.000đ

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  • – Phiên bản: 1.8.6
  • – Cập nhật lần cuối:  10.11.2023
  • – Sản phẩm đều tuân thủ giấy phép:  GPL
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Đăng ký tài khoản tặng ngay 89.000đ/ 1 lần mua plugin/theme


Soflyy WP All Export Pro Premium is a pretty good and useful plugin among the good WordPress plugins. Thank you for viewing, accessing and supporting our products. All Import & Export, WordPress Plugins, WP All Import items are downloaded from the original source. You can download and use with complete peace of mind.

Soflyy WP All Export Pro Premium

Export anything in WordPress to CSV, XML, or Excel.

Customize the design over the export file. perform you information and re-import it last including WP All Import.
Send you export file for consideration in imitation of Dropbox, Google Drive, then 500+ sordid apps including Zapier.


WP All Export’s simple stretch out & drop interface makes it handy after export data from Posts, Pages, Users, and somebody Custom Post Type (like WooCommerce Products, Orders, etc.) in conformity with an XML, CSV, and Excel file. Your export file for consideration perform stand equipped exactly or thou want it in accordance with lie with just the information ye need and zero else.

WordPress XML exports then WordPress CSV exports are effortless with WP All Export. Designed according to be environment friendly including massive databases, such choice assignment no count number how much plenty statistics you have between WordPress. WP All Export makes it viable to export heaps over hundreds about records, also about shared hosting.

Need in conformity with make you posts or products between Excel? Export thine data along WP All Export, fulfill thine records however thou like, yet below re-import it using WP All Import.

Easy after utilizes drag & decrease interface.

Choose the statistics you want in accordance with export using WP All Export’s simple attract & decrease interface.

Instead over closing upon along a foul export bring including a brush concerning unnecessary fields, you do choose to only export the particular records up to expectation ye surely need.

Save your exported data as much an XML, CSV, yet Excel file.

end you export file for consideration to 500+ apps.

WP All Export usage Zapier after ship your export file to upon 500 specific apps. You can email your export file, earning it in conformity with Google Drive, and back it on with Dropbox then OneDrive and Box.

With WP All Export then Zapier you be able ship thy data wherever you want.

Automatically conduct exports about a schedule.

Exports can remain set in imitation of whatever schedule ye need. You can gender a custom-made sales document and send such as much an e mail as soon as a month, arrive a weekly list about every the current consumer signal ups, or sync manufacture inventory beyond you website in conformity with some other website online each and every day.

Setting exports in accordance with run about a schedule is effortless and takes much less than a minute.

Easily filter exported data.

Want in conformity with export every WooCommerce orders over $100? Want in conformity with export all concerning the inexperienced shirts beyond you WooCommerce store? Want in accordance with export all posts added of 2014?

Create handy in imitation of apprehend filtering regulations together with a simple, pure interface in accordance with reach precisely the appropriate statistics abroad about thine WordPress site.

Re-import additional with WP All Import.

WP All Export be able robotically cause an arrival intimate WP All Import according to run along together with thy export.

Run you export. put through you exported information of Excel. Then click on Import together with WP All Import from the Manage Exports web page yet upload you edited file.

WP All Import desire import your up to date statistics among the actual identical vicinity it used to be exported beside – along no configuration required over you part.

Fully built-in along WooCommerce & Advanced Custom Fields.

WP All Export is totally built-in including WooCommerce then Advanced Custom Fields, or theirs related add-ons because of WP All Import.

Export WooCommerce Orders alongside with all discipline items, fees, discounts, yet shipping information. WooCommerce Products then Product variants are simply namely handy to export and can stay imported someplace else along WP All Import.

Post-process exported records the usage of PHP.

A definitive Custom Field is saved in format X between your database, but ye necessity that among distribute Y among thy exported file?

Run thy personal customized PHP features regarding any exported records factor in imitation of be brought that within the format thou need.

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