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WordPress Social Stream
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WordPress Social Stream

– Khuyến mại: 89.000đ

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  • – Cập nhật lần cuối: 28.10.2017
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Đăng ký tài khoản tặng ngay 89.000đ/ 1 lần mua plugin/theme


WordPress Social Stream is a pretty good and useful plugin among the good WordPress plugins. Thank you for viewing, accessing and supporting our products. All CodeCanyon, WordPress Plugins items are downloaded from the original source. You can download and use with complete peace of mind.

WordPress Social Stream

WordPress Social Stream wish mix all about you neighborly community feeds of certain single network flow and propagate a odd dine for a couple of associative community profiles. Display the usage of a filterable jQuery isotope powered Social Network Wall then a rotating dinner list! Can combine limitless neighborly feeds and effect vast variety about associative streams. Feed gadgets additionally include Facebook, Twitter, Google + yet LinkedIn portion hyperlinks in accordance with perform you communal network streams more interactive, assist raise thy conventional network posts then boost thy traffic! Looking because of a non-WordPress version? See jQuery Social Stream Plugin

Includes 15 communal networks & 60 eat options:

Twitter – Latest Tweets, Twitter Lists & Search (last 7 days) Plus Display Twitter ImagesFacebook – Public Facebook Page, Albums & Group FeedsGoogle +1 – +1 Latest PostsInstagram – User FeedRSS Feed – Latest PostsDelicious – Latest LikesStumbleupon – Favorites and ReviewsPinterest – Latest PinsDribbble – Latest Shots then LikesYoutube – Channel/username feeds, Playlists yet Search feedsVimeo – User Likes, Videos, Appeared In, Albums, Channels or GroupsFlickr – Latest User Uploads & Group Feedsfm – Loved Tracks, Recent Tracks then Reply TrackerDeviantart – Latest DeviationsTumblr – Latest Posts (photo, video, regular, quote, audio, conversation & links)

3 Social Stream Wall Layout Styles


Display the use of rotating dine list yet a entirely responsive, filterable Social Network Wall3 exceptional parapet design styles – classic, modern-day mild & modern-day darkCreate a stream primarily based on amount range over days then fixed variety on gadgets care of network – word incomplete communal networks may also power the total wide variety of outcomes per feed.Option to show wall randomlyCan cope with a couple of users per network.Can take care of more than one feeds care of network.Rotating list along countless loop – put in route & pace – each self and manual.Option in imitation of add in person controls because of dine slider.Option in imitation of accumulate associative community filter because of person in conformity with disable/enable singular networks.Set each feed item outturn content then layout.Set community dike dine object widths based regarding percent and fixed width.Quickly & without problems customize conventional network hues with the aid of colour pickers in plugin admin page.Stream posts consist of twitter, facebook, google + & linkedin share linksRetweet, response & favored hyperlinks because of Twitter postsOption in conformity with disable Twitter retweets & replies.Option in accordance with show feedback Facebook web page edge feeds.Option in conformity with display sketch avatar of twitter feedIncludes function after recover particular posts (except Twitter) beyond social streamsInline video participant for Tumblr video postsSave unlimited social circulate profiles in plugin adminFull documentation.

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